On a recent trip to walk in the Cotswolds with David, my son of 27, we discussed many things including the rate of change and inventions. I told him there was some evidence that the pace of change was slowing – not speeding up as most people believe. I gave some examples of the staggering rate of change/inventions in my late father’s lifetime (he was born in 1908 and died 99 years later) and some examples of things that are taken for granted today that I did not have as a child in the 40’s and 50’s. I have been thinking of more examples ever since and no doubt I’ll think of some more.
I’m going to share the list (see below) but before doing so I want to make it clear that I was perfectly happy without these things; it’s hard to miss what doesn’t exist! On the plus side we had some things that are in short supply nowadays – freedom to roam, for example, without anyone fretting about where we were and whether we were safe. As a 10 year old, I spent ages out on my bicycle with friends and during school terms I cycled to and from school on a journey that took me from one side of Oxford to the other (if you know Oxford, that included crossing Carfax – unthinkable for an unaccompanied 10 year old today).
So, I offer my list cheerfully, not feeling in the least deprived by any of these lacks. In no order of importance:
- No SatNavs/speed cameras (and very few traffic lights)
- No fast food outlets such as McDonalds/Burger King
- No coffee house chains such as Starbucks/Nero’s
- No supermarkets
- No frozen foods
- No plastic bags/cling film/packaging
- No central heating/no heaters in cars
- No computers/smart phones/ebooks (and obviously no internet)
- No TVs (the few there were pretended to be cabinets and had very small screens)
- No CDs/DVDs
- No seat belts/radios in cars
- No plastic toys
- No holidays abroad
- No pornography
- No swimming pools (we swam in rivers) and gyms
- No obesity/exposed cleavages/midriffs/mini-skirts
- No washing machines/dishwashers/microwaves
- No denim/jeans
- No trainers
- No post-it notes