During my productive years as a freelance occupational psychologist (1969 – 2010) I invented over 100 self-assessment questionnaires.  I was, and remain, a keen advocate of inviting people to pause and take stock of their beliefs and behavioural patterns.  Hence the questionnaires I have devised on subjects ranging from learning styles (the best known), teamwork roles, assertiveness, managing your emotions, creative thinking, problem solving and many others. 

In 1993 (yes, nearly 30 years ago!) I even had the audacity to publish a huge ring-binder containing 21 self-assessment questionnaires, magnanimously granting purchasers permission to photocopy any or all of them to their heart’s content.  It looked remarkably like a bible with a black cover and gold lettering.  It sold well but not, it has to be said, as well as the bible!  The final section in the manual, ‘How to devise your own questionnaires’, extolled the virtues of questionnaires for self-assessment and generously gave away all my trade secrets.  Far from shooting myself in the foot, the demand for self-assessment questionnaires continued unabated and in 2008 (a mere 14 years ago!) I published ‘A Guide to Enhancing your Self-Management Skills’ containing eight self-assessment checklists the first of which is called ‘Acting with Integrity’. 

In the wake of Johnson’s forced resignation, and with leadership contenders falling over themselves promising (not just tax cuts) but above all integrity, I thought I’d blow the dust off the questionnaire in the hope that you might forward it the final two contenders.

So, here goes:

Here is a checklist of 20 statements describing things you might or might not do that have an impact on your integrity.  Consider each statement carefully and respond to each by using the following ratings:

  1. I already do this, it is one of my strengths.
  2. I already do this, but I could do it more often.
  3. I don’t do this, but I easily could.

Be honest with yourself and, if in doubt, consult a close colleague to find out how they rate your integrity skills.

I speak up unhesitatingly when I consider something to be unethical.

I make clear unambiguous commitments that are not open to misinterpretation.

I give credit where credit is due.

I challenge systems and processes that seem dodgy/open to abuse/unfair.

I strive to adhere to agreed deadlines and, if this proves impossible, renegotiate as soon as it becomes apparent that a deadline cannot be met.

I am open and honest saying the same things about people in their absence as I would if they were present.

I am careful to keep my promises.

I say what I mean, clear and simple, without recourse to sarcasm or innuendoes.

I speak up and express my opinion even if I know it will be unpopular.

I respect people’s confidences.

I apply the ‘will I be proud of this?’ test to my actions.

I come clean about my biases/prejudices.

I stand up for what I believe is right.

I am transparent in my dealings with people.

I keep appointments and take steps to be punctual.

I declare conflicts of interest as soon  as I become aware of them.

I am consistent, saying the same things to everyone rather that different things to different people.

I give complete answers to questions without fudging.

I openly explain my motives and reasons for doing things.

I am careful to ‘walk my talk’.


The best score is 20 i.e. you rated yourself 1 for all the checklist items. (For what it’s worth, I don’t believe you!).

The worst score is 60 i.e. you rated yourself 3 for all the checklist items. (Amazing!  Surely you’re being too tough on yourself.)

The most likely scores are in the range 30 – 50.  (For what it’s worth, my score is 38 – plenty of room for improvement.)

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